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The King's War On Witches

1.0分 / 欧美综艺 / 英国 / 2012

《The King's War On Witches》内详拍的这部综艺,什么时候公映啊

片名:The King's War On Witches第01集

《The King's War On Witches》高清欧美综艺综艺完整版http://www.zmfoodjx.com/djx/210154-0-0.html

制片地区: 英国

导演: 内详

编剧: 内详

主演: Russell Boulter

上映时间: 2012

对白语言: 汉语普通话 / 英语

色彩: 彩色

更新时间:2023-05-09 20:38

《The King's War On Witches》综艺的主要内容

《The King's War On Witches》是一部欧美综艺综艺,由导演:内详执导,主演:Russell Boulter,

  In the late 16th century Europe was in the grip of a ferocious witch hunt, where thousands were tortured and burnt at the stake. The church was fully behind this terrifying crusade against the imaginary enemies of Christianity. In France and Germany alone up to 40,000 people may have been killed as witches. But England and Scotland were almost untouched by witch persecutions until King James himself decided to launch his own, personal war on witchcraft.
  In 1597 King James VI of Scotland published 'Daemonology', a handbook on how to recognise and destroy, witches. The book explored the threat that 'those Detestable slaves of the Devil', posed to James himself. It fuelled waves of witch hunting throughout Britain.
  The legacy of James' 'Daemonology' continued throughout the 17th century, and led to the torture and execution of hundreds of women in a series of infamous witch trials. No-one knows exactly how many men and women died in these trials, such as the Pendle trial of 1612, or how many others were killed in cases that never came to court. The documentary reveals the purges in many areas of Britain drew directly on King James' book. Also for the first time, remarkable new archaeological evidence from Cornwall, suggests that witchcraft was actively practiced for centuries, even during the most intense periods of witch-hunting. Experimental archaeologist Jacqui Wood has excavated strange pits lined with swan's feathers, and filled with animal skins and human remains. She believes the pits were ritual offerings inspired by witchcraft beliefs.

《The King's War On Witches》是一部怎样的综艺?

《The King's War On Witches》因强大IP基因,开播前就备受瞩目,《The King's War On Witches》未播先热成焦点。《The King's War On Witches》如今更收视飘红,话题不断,成为辞旧迎新跨年之际现象级大剧。唯美画风,考究服饰、道具,至少5元钱戳眼特效,大众熟知的《The King's War On Witches》,高能虐心剧情都为剧加分多多。此外,偶像明星Russell Boulter拼颜值、斗演技,主配角成功人设与演绎,也在很大程度上拉动且加持了《The King's War On Witches》收视口碑双飞大势。全民看脸的时代,《The King's War On Witches》Russell Boulter高颜值绝对对得起拥趸笃粉。人气爆棚当红偶像明星Russell Boulter颜值大放送,令无数舔屏族竞折舌,已在预料之中,他们颜值高到令人侧目、仰望,演技更让人弹眼落睛。特别是虐心爱情戏,更成为高瓦斯含量的催泪弹,让无数欧美综艺迷泪牛满面。

不知哪位有《The King's War On Witches》免费资源?

很多地方都可以看呀,我是在芝麻影院(http://www.zmfoodjx.com)上看的,直接搜索“The King's War On Witches”就能看了。

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《The King's War On Witches》目前评分:1.0


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